Aims & Objectives
To lay down the foundation for the development of complete personality of its students by adopting all possible methods of rigorous child development endeavour so that its products may accept all the responsibilities of life in future and be dedicated and responsible citizens of this vast nation.
The aim of the school is to produce such a citizen, who will be physically, mentally and spiritually healthy and independent, he has the feeling of respect to his civilization, culture and traditions, as well as he has to become such a modern, well disciplined and patriot citizen,
who will be alert and attentive to the happenings taking place all over the world.The school strives for excellence in school education that provides diverse and learner centric environment conducive for every individual student to realize his potential to the fullest to become an enlightened, vibrant and productive member of the society with strong ethical values and pluralistic ethos.
At Doon, we believe in giving greater autonomy to the students in all possible manners. By allowing the learners to have autonomy, choice and control, the school makes positive effect on their self-perception leading to enhanced self-esteem and appreciation and respect for their class and schoolmates. It not only gives boost to their motivation and enthusiasm but also emotional stability and safety and broadened mental horizons. All out efforts are made to prepare our students for a lifetime of independent and innovative thought. Instead of teaching them what to think we try to teach them how to think.